syntax on¬
colorscheme slate
set cursorline
set hlsearch
set title
set laststatus=2
set showmode
set showcmd
set nocompatible
set ruler
set number
set tabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2
set autoindent
set smartindent
set showmatch
set incsearch
set nolist
set lcs=tab:▸\ ,trail:·,eol:¬,nbsp:_
highlight LineNr term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=DarkGrey ctermbg=NONE gui=NONE guifg=DarkGrey guibg=NONE
" Tell vim to remember certain things when we exit
" '10 : marks will be remembered for up to 10 previously edited files
" "100 : will save up to 100 lines for each register
" :20 : up to 20 lines of command-line history will be remembered
" % : saves and restores the buffer list
" n... : where to save the viminfo files
set viminfo='10,\"100,:20,%,n~/.viminfo